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L’Azienda Agricola  Valcannetta è il connubio perfetto fra  tradizione e innovazione;  il luogo magico in cui sapere antico, passione e rispetto della Natura si uniscono per dare vita a prodotti biologici certificati di alta qualità il cui sapore autentico e genuino è in grado di portare nelle nostre tavole i sapori di “una volta”, quelli dei nostri nonni

“Agriculture is the art of those who are able to wait”

The farm was born due to the passion of Giacomo Neri, a young farmer who combines the ancient knowledge of traditions with the right dose of innovation, thus giving life to organic crops with full respect to nature and environment.

Valcannetta  is a perfect combination of traditions and innovations; the magical place where ancient knowledge, passion and respect for nature come together to give life to organic products “0 km”, certified and of high quality whose authentic and genuine taste  is able to bring to our tables the “just like in the old days” flavor.

Choosing to cultivate organic products means not using chemicals, i.e. producing a little less to give the land a rest at the normal pace of the seasons. It consists of the choice of work and  lifestyle especially. Weeding is manual, so the risk of crop loss is higher, but in this case the land remains unpolluted.

Biological way is more than just a simple method to cultivate and grow: it is a way of life that respects man and nature. ... Thus, biological products are richer in terms of nutrition. They also have more flavor, and the food becomes a privileged moment of flavors discovery and nutritional properties.

Our company is the third generation that grows olive trees, it has 5,800 trees, of which the century-old plants belong to us.
Our oil is made exclusively from the olives of our area, carefully grown and harvested at the right time, this is the only way to get a balanced product with aromatic smell, the product that  can be stored for a long time. In order to get a product of excellent quality, it’s necessary to do  all operations such as  processing of oil and  processing of fruits  with care to  obtain the dark green oil and bitter and spicy taste to get excellent quality.

  • Cultivar: 60% Moraiolo, 20% Frantoio, 20% Leccino
  • Planting sixth:  6 per 6
  • Production area: the Protected Designation of Origin Colli Martani
  • Altitude Olive Groves:  550 meters above sea level
  • Harvest: October / November
  • Grinding: Cold pressing within 24 hours of collection and grinding temperature 20 degrees